Wednesday, July 31, 2013


We blessed Treyden on July 28. It was awesome. He was blessed by his uncle Billy and his dad and uncle Brian stood in the circle. I'll admit I shed a tear; that Billy can give a dang good talk. You have no idea how loved you are, baby boy. I'm so blessed to have you. He was SO ADORABLE in his blessing outfit. {Compliments of Munga (grandma Beard)}.

So proud of my little family. XO

Cousins! So glad he's got cousins to grow up with. Will is 6 months older than him and they'll be in the same grade.

I get this look all the time. I love it. See that drool! It's EVERYWHERE!


  1. You guys have one beautiful little family! He is the cutest! I seriously think he could be a baby model.
