While we were on vacation we rented side by sides, took a helicopter ride, raced some go-carts, went out on a pontoon and a race boat (Ben's highlight of course), and hung out at the pool. We went out for the night when we were in Vegas... but we called it a night at about 12. We stayed at Bally's. And we didn't gamble ONCE! Crazy, huh?
Laying in the pool
We played volleyball a lot while we there too. Had a blast!! Didn't get any pictures of that though.
The day we took the side by sides out. Lake Havasu in the background. So pretty!
This lizard was huge. Fat more so than anything. But he was a couple feet long with a huge belly.
A rattle snake Billy and Alesa drove over (straddled) in the side by side. Billy was out with a stick before you knew it. And Ben drove up next to it so I could get a picture. The entire time I'm screaming and about ready to pee my pants. I'm surprised I got a good picture. I had my eyes closed most of the time. Wasn't a happy snake either... as you can tell.
This is a picture of one of the plants down there. They get green around this time of year. Each of the little quill things are around an inch long. The entire plant (tree thing?) stood about 8 feet tall.
<3 This is our lighthouse where Ben proposed last year. I took it when we were taking out helicopter ride. Beth Ann actually pointed it out to me, and I'm so glad! I love it!
Beth Ann and I rode in the back of the helicopter together. Ben was in the front with NO DOOR! Scary, but really cool too! I kept pulling on his seat belt to make sure he didn't fall out.
The first night we got there, everybody took a ride on the slingshot. Beth Ann and I didn't. Call it what you want it, I call it unsafe! And I did NOT want to do it! ha ha So, Eliza and I watched. :)
Ben and Brian went together. We got the video of everyone's ride. Ben didn't yell or scream once. Just big smiles! There was some other guys watching the video that said, "That dudes got some big cajones!" haha That's my big, strong, "afraid of nothing" man! ;)
This is when we took the pontoon boat out. I thought it was nice and relaxing. Ben thought it was boring. Of course! So, he had to ride in Dugans speed boat too. Which he said was one of the highlight of his trip.
Ben by the speed boat. I wish I could have gotten a picture of him while we were in it. I bet he grinned for an hour. We 'only' got to a speed of 100 because it was so windy but it's capable of much faster.
Teague. 580 cubic inch, 940 horse power. There were two of these.
This was the night we spent in Vegas. I got a couple other pictures of the strip but no real good ones of us. I wasn't a very good photographer as the night went on either... so I'm not proud to show those!
Love it!! The whole trip sounds like lots of fun. The sling sounds like a blast though.