Thursday, September 5, 2013

First post from my phone.

Picture overload!! Just adding pictures so the family that doesn't have social media is up to date! :)

Ben left, trey center, me right
The kid falls asleep in his jumper all the time. 

4 mo shots. We both cried. He was 12.5 lbs (10%), 26" (50%) head circ was 35%. 

Haha! Sitting on my moms lap. So funny!

First time trying food. Sweet potatoes. He loved it!

Snuggling my sweet boy. Can't get enough. 

Silly boy. That's moms phone!

Such a boy. 


My little monkey. 

So sweet. 

Goin for a walk. 

Love when he snuggles!!

Meeting Shelby. 

Dad let him eat dead flowers. Ugh. 

Aunt aunna is his fav person. Other than his mom n dad of course. 

Taken a couple days ago. 

These were taken last night. 

Tonight's bath. He loves bath time.