Wednesday, May 1, 2013

What we've been up to.

We are on somewhat of a sleep schedule now. So, at least I can kind of handle being sleep deprived. I never thought I would be able to run on such a small amount of sleep. I look forward to a long nights sleep some day. I friend of mine recommended 'Baby Wise' so I ordered it but haven't seen it yet. I got online to see what the gist was. I've tried a couple different things since we've tried a routine. The book actually says to be awake for one hour, sleep for one hour, awake for one... and so on until about 10. The book says until they're 2-3 months old, they don't stay awake for longer than an hour. Well, this book is not about my baby... He usually stays awake for at least 2 hours and sometimes around 4. As long as he doesn't sleep longer than 7 hours per day and is awake for a couple hours before bed-time he'll only wake up at midnight-ish, 2:30ish, 4-ish, and be wide awake for a few hours anywhere from 5-6:30 and be awake for about 15-30 mins each time. I need to go to sleep right when he does, but I usually don't get to bed till 11. Today, he was ready to wake up at 4. Seeing his cute, happy face in the morning makes it worth every bit of it! Ben has been sleeping in the guest bedroom to get as much sleep as he can since he started farming, so Treyden ends up in bed with me.

This is how we get things done. A friend of mine had this baby carrier and another friend also recommended it. Not cheap but so worth it! Can't wait to get outside for some walks!

He started to smile 3 days ago. They arent big smiles but they're definitely happy smiles!

It's dark. We always have long conversations in the morning. He's happy in the morning, and whenever he's pooping. 

Vitamin D supplements