Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Welcome, Treyden James Beard!

This will be quick while the little dude is sleeping...

Treyden James was born on March 23, 2013 at 6:41pm.
7lb 1oz and 21 inches long.
Wow, there are no words to describe the feeling of seeing and holding your child for the first time. 
Absolutely, without a doubt, the best moment of my life!

I have wrote down most of his {short & sweet version} birth story. 
Without saying much, it was a long labor but oh so worth it and I wanna kiss whoever came up with that epidural. ;)

Treyden is so amazing. That first night home (3 days old) was the hardest. And from the night I was induced until he was about a week old is all a bit of a blur. The baby blues hit me hard and I think I could say now that those are the worst part of the entire thing (pregnancy, labor, etc). They're pretty awful but they're lifting and I'm starting to feel more like myself. It helps to get out w/ Treyden and go visit Ben at the farm.

Ben stayed home for the first week. He was able to do some work from home in the garage. So, that was nice. I wish he could just stay home with us all the time. I'm a home body and love to be inside snuggling my baby boy. Ben is much more of a busy body; always has to be doing something. We always love it when he comes home at night to get some family time in.

We took Treyden to his 4 day apt at IF Pediatrics where they told us he was down to 6lb 4oz. I was told to start supplementing him with some formula. Thank goodness, my milk came in the next day and he's eating and growing like a champ. I do supplement w/ formula every once in a while, not every day. He prefers his 'momma dinners' anyway, he gags and hates formula. I switched formula and he seems to be taking it a little better. 

He's almost all healed from his circumcision. Ben was able to come with me to that appointment, thank goodness. I was on the other side of the building for that procedure. Poor little guy. :'(

I've been very cautious, and maybe a little paranoid about him staying healthy. We all use tons of hand sanitizer and wash allll the time. I know the family gets a little tired of me making them wash before playing with him. But, I'm the momma, I get to be a little crazy. ;)

LOVE<3 3/23


 First bath 3/23

Can't stop staring... 3/23

Cute little man with his 'man hat' 3/23



Goin' home! 3/25

 Cute little quivers
First day home

We have hair!

Napping away

The many faces of Treyden:)

Happy boy (first week)

Growing already! <3

First family picture Easter Sunday



One of my favorites so far!

Loves getting his head washed, doesn't love baths yet.

I took this picture because... I wanted a picture of his umbilical cord and it fell off 20 min later. :( He was 10 days old.