Friday, October 19, 2012

Dr.'s appointment

Had a quick Dr's appointment today. Heard the heartbeat. Everything is perfect. :)
Weight: 116 at the doctors office (shoes, coat, everything) Home scale says 109.  

We have another appointment in a few weeks, the big 20 week, try not to pee your pants, appointment! 

Movements are stronger everyday. There's no better feeling than feeling this little one move around and be so active. I can't wait until Ben can feel him/her.

Going to tell my dad as soon as we know the gender. I've been dying to tell him. I just think it would be a much funner surprise when we can announce the gender, too!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Rewind! Notes from the past 4 months...

These are just some notes I've written down over the past few months regarding the pregnancy and such. Time is FLYING by and it's unbelievable how fast a baby grows inside your belly. I guess it's a pretty important side note to include a little bit about the past 10 months. I miscarried in February and in March. Both of these miscarriages were early; between 5-6 weeks so, my body was able to clean itself out w/out a D&C. The only way I knew about them was because I took pregnancy tests, a couple both times and all positive. I think I'd have thought nothing of it, other than being late and being in some pain, like a miserable menstrual cycle. I believe there was a third miscarriage in May, but by that point, I told myself I wouldn't take a pregnancy test until I was past 5 weeks. It was just like the last two miscarriages though, and I was just over a week late. With all that being said, I never had any problem getting pregnant, just carrying them. I had been tracking my ovulation January-June. 

7/2/12: Dr. appointment w/ Dr. Margaret Huggins to determine reason for multiple m/c. Lots of blood work.

7/10/12: Blood results came back positive for Homogeneous MTHFR (<- does that not look like short-hand for a really dirty word?!) Mutation. Prescribed 4mg Folic Acid + baby Aspirin + prenatal vitamin to start taking the following day.

7/18/12: 2 positive pregnancy tests. (lots more through-out the week) and 1 seriously worried phone call to Dr. Huggins, hoping and praying I could carry this baby. Her response was, "Normally, when diagnosed w/ MTHFR, we recommend not becoming pregnant for a few months. But, being on the medication for a week and it might be long enough to level blood and crazy levels out. Hope for the best." We got pregnant the only month we weren't trying, and actually somewhat avoiding it until we knew results. Funny how things work out. =)

7/26/12: First Dr. appointment, first ultrasound. Baby too small to see. 

7/27/12: Emergency trip to Idaho Falls, spotting. Everything looked fine but was told only to be on my feet for about 5 hours a day, and to take it easy.

8/2/12: Another dr appointment, Ben's first time going. We were able to see heartbeat! Blood results are back, Rh Negative. Have to get a rogham shot now, due to spotting. Will have it two more rogham shots.

8/7/12: Very nauseous, can't eat much except spaghettio's. Keeping pregnancy quiet until we're out of 1st tri.

8/17/12: Dr. appointment. Heart rate is 166 bpm. Baby measures in the 44th percentile. At this point that doesn't really mean anything but, it's nice to know things are developing at a rate they should.

9/3/12: Baby names are so hard to agree on... ;)

9/10/12: Dr's appointment in Victor. The ultrasound machine wouldn't turn on and we couldn't find baby's heartbeat with the doppler. SCARY! Went to TVH to get a viability ultrasound, everything is great. Note to self: NEVER go to TVH for anything! The guy was a total dipshit and my bill was $500! NOT OKAY, TVH!

9/19/12: I can't get enough spicy food! I've ate at the mexican restaurant every day for the past 3 days!

10/11/12: Felt baby move! I've been questioning myself the past few days but today, it was unquestionably the baby. I felt it a few times. Have to be very still and really pay attention.

So, now we're here.17 weeks and feeling great. I've been getting headaches more often as the pregnancy progresses. Not sure why. We should be able to find out the gender in about a month. We can't wait. This was all a much less detailed version of my actual notes, I have been keeping track of just about everything. 

These were both at about 12 weeks.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Blog topics to keep us busy.

We have had much to blog about lately, but have been reluctant to do so because we figured once it was on the blog, EVERYBODY would know what was happening in our lives. At this point I've had a little change of heart and a smidgen of a who gives a damn outlook. ;) We're so, so, SO ecstatic about the change of events that has been happening in our lives. We (Just I actually. Because Ben does NOT condone facebook, haha) will wait to say anything on facebook until November 6, 2012. That's the special day. 

Anywho, I think most people know at this point that...

We're gonna have a BABY!
Due to make his/her arrival in March.
We couldn't be more excited. It was a long 6 months of trial to make it all happen but we are thrilled that we finally get a precious little bit of both of us to join our family.

It's still so surreal to think it's really happening, and happening SO quick! I am just shy of 17 weeks at this point. Almost half way there! Where did the time go?

Everything is so new and exciting to watch. Watching the baby and belly grow have been one of the neatest experiences we have ever gone through. We have been to the Dr's office between every 2-3 weeks since about 6 weeks along, complete with ultrasound every time. It has been quite the experience watching this little bean grow from one appointment to the next. Just this last time, our PA had to switch the screen to a larger view. Baby was so big, it was taking up the screen. And by big, I mean 5" and 5 oz. ;)  

These past 4 months have been very eventful. A little too eventful sometimes, but in the end, it'll be worth it all. I'm not sure when it finally sinks in that you're expecting a baby but it seems like it gets more 'real' every day. Yesterday was the first day I was able to feel baby move in my belly. Just little flutters but definitely, unmistakably, it was baby.

The scale today says 109. Pre-pregnancy weight was 111. Thank you, first trimester, for that 6 lb weight loss (NOT!). So, since losing that 6 lbs in the beginning, I have gained 4 lbs of it back.
First trimester was a little rough, I was nauseous and nothing sounded good. EVER. Unless it was Spaghettio's. Or something fried dipped in fry sauce! So, I force fed myself all the nutrients I could handle and ate my unhealthy Spaghettio's until I was about 12 weeks along. My stomach wanted and could handle much more at that point, thank goodness. Now, we're on a smoother track and I'm able to eat much more. Not everything, but much better things for me and baby. Though, the spaghettio craving still sticks around, and other not so good for me food.

We have an appointment at almost 18 weeks on Oct 19. This visit will be in Victor, where they use the portable ultrasound machine, so it's unlikely we will be able to see the baby's gender. We can hope though! Then on November 6, we will have the 20 week appointment. They will take all the measurements for baby and do a thorough ultrasound and we will be able to determine gender at that appointment if baby cooperates. Baby is very active and constantly moving around so we hope we can catch him/her in a calmer mood. :)

16 Weeks