Ben and I have never been superstitious on Friday the 13th... but we might just lay in bed all day the next time this day rolls around! Friday night we had friends visiting and were out chatting in the garage. Ben has two of his pick-ups tore apart right now and has more projects than he knows what to do with. Of course he can't sit still when he has a project so he was up working most of the time. To make it short, he had one last screw to tighten and his hand slipped.
He pushed the flat head screwdriver almost completely through his hand. He immediately lost all color from his face. None of us knew how bad it was because he had it shut. The white and green color of his face wasn't a good sign. And then allll the blood he dropped from his hand. Wow, he's tough. All he said was, "somethins not right...". I'm so glad he didn't fight the fact that we had to go to the ER. He wasn't at all happy about it but he at least needed a tetanus and some antibiotics. I'm glad his friends were there to help him out to the car. He was having some tunnel vision and was extremely shaky.
By the time we got to the hospital, he had gotten a lot of his color back. We saw Dr. Johnson to find out he couldn't do much. They gave him his tetanus and some antibiotics and some pain pills. Put a brace on his hand and sent him home. We were there for about an hour and a half. The x-ray showed that it would heal okay w/out any help from a surgeon. I'm bummed we didn't get to take the x-ray home. Or at least get to see it.
Of course, he had to tighten that last screw! He was using his nice set of tools this time though. He said on the way to the hospital that he knew he shouldn't have been using the pos screw driver he was using. He's too hard on himself sometimes. Shit happens. I'm thankful that as painful as this has been for him, it wasn't worse. It's 5 days later and he's feeling much better. Has been sleeping better and not needing pain pills. I think the hardest part for him was not being able to use it the next day.