Thursday, September 29, 2011

It's a boy

Kitty is a boy and his name is Hitler. He loves to play. When I lose him, I look in my closet and he is always there, sleeping in my clothes basket.

 Shelby and Hitler love each other now.

Shelby is a little rough occasionally so sometimes Hitler runs away from his wanna-be mommy. She doesn't realize that her paw is as big as he is. She means well.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Why we have men around...

Because it's harder than it looks!


Sheena and I were here visiting last night while Matt and Ben were chasing combines in Ben's tractor when I thought we could handle this project. Nooop. I wish I could have set a recorder out so you could see the pathetic excuse it was for Sheena and I to assemble this 289732 piece console table. It was pitiful. However, we did get the drawer figured out!! :D

Lesson learned.

Then there's kitty

Yup, we got a cute, little, innocent, lovable, squeezable, feisty, playful, fun kitty. Okay so that's not why we got it. It's going to be our mouser, and outside cat. Up until about a month ago, we never had mice in the house, then over night, they moved right in on us. It will be a little while before it's catching mice but it can just be cute until then. If you couldn't tell, it's an it. We don't know what the sex is... Ben thinks it's a girl, and I think it's a boy. It is so hard to tell on a cat, especially because it's only 5-6 weeks old. We haven't named it either, it's just Titty for now. Shelby and Titty don't like each other just yet, but they had better get use to each other before too long. For those of you questioning Ben, he's handling it just fine. :) Actually, seems to even like it a little bit.

Buy it a toy and it plays with the box.

Curious about the sound the camera makes.

And then after it realizes the toys aren't real, it'll find something that is.

Ben and Titty playing.

Did ya notice the hitler mustache? Love it.
These pictures are showing up a bit dark, it's actually grey and white.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Hair hair hair

We put some foils in Aunna's hair last week. You can hardly tell there there is anything in there so nothing too drastic and not quite the blue and red that she wanted. I can't believe my sister is 9 and in fourth grade. Time flies. I love hanging out with my sister. And I love my job. What a fun day. :)

Wasn't a fan of the pictures when I put the bag on her head and made her look like a "hippy". 

It's wabbit season!

No, just kidding, it's chicken season! :) Actually, is it chicken season? We don't know either. Ben has had TWO days off.... in a row! Wow, we didn't know what to think about it. On Saturday, we went with the family to see uncle Lyle & aunt Trixie on the four wheelers and then had some burgers and hot dogs. We're still gettin everything we can out of these last few weeks of summer. Yesterday, we went out to shoot some chickens... and bottles and cans and cups. We got us 2 chickens that I actually shot! Ben got his fishing pole out once but didn't catch anything. It's been an awesome weekend, now to start the workweek.

 We still have a lot of grain to cut. Ben was saying most of the crop this year is really good.

We find this silly dog sitting, sleeping and hanging out in the weirdest positions. She loves to sit on this box like this. She'll scoot her butt as close as she can and push herself on to it. She also enjoyed our weekend together. She loved fetching the chicken wings.


About a week and a half ago, I tore into the project of painting the house. I don't mind painting but like most big jobs, I got about half way done and in the hard parts and was asking myself why I just had to paint. But, I'm a goin' little painter and I got er' done in 2 1/2 days. It looks so good, I'm loving the color and decorating again (MY way!). I should have gotten more 'before' pictures but, you get the gist. It was a greenish color with a dark green accent wall, I painted everything brown with a dark brown accent wall. 

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Ah bliss...

Everybody keeps asking the two of us how we like being married. We both keep saying we don't know. Ben is so busy on the farm we haven't really had time to see if anything is "different". Nothing that we can see has changed though, still same ol' us. :) Then the infamous question: "When are you going to have kids?". We both want kids, and we're both excited about it. However, we aren't in a big hurry but it probably won't be too long either. Take that however it's easiest to digest, because we haven't quite got it figured out either.

I have spent some serious amount of time in photoshop to save these as personal use. So, here are some pictures. I'm still trying to load more and I may come to blows with this blogger pos photo uploading system before I'm done. ;)

It was extremely hard for me not to take off on a dead run down the aisle. I get so uncomfortable when everybody is looking at me. My dad was fully aware that he was going to have to pay close attention to how fast I was walking and making sure I wasn't rushing through it. The entire time we were walking, he was telling me that I needed to slow down and that I should look up. Ha, ha and I of course was trying to concentrate on not falling, not running, and not crying! At one point I swear he actually stopped and said, "We need to slow down I think we're walking too fast!" And then I swear he quit walking! I could have been dreaming but I'm pretty sure! I told him we still needed to keep moving, that we can't just stop walking! Oh it was quite memorable. And like everyone told me, I didn't trip, or run, or cry (to my amazement). Another thing, I don't remember hearing music, I remember once looking at everyone but I didn't see one persons face, just a bunch of people. It's crazy what nerves will do to ya! I just love the expression on my dad's face in these pictures because I can hear him telling me, "Now Kayla, you have to slow down!" Love you, Dad!

Thank you for not smearing the cake all over my face.

My huuusband. Huzbund. Husband.  That'll take some time to get use to!

Annd, there went any control over my emotions. ;)

Beautiful little flower girl!! She did so good.

My sister refused to smile. This is the best we got all day together. She stood right next to me in line; I never really had a maid of honor, I just knew I wanted my sister next to me. <3 Love you so so much, Aunna, I'm so lucky to have you as my sister!!! Ohh but she'll get married and I'll get my chance to remind her of this brattiness  stubbornness. ;) You wait, sister!

One of my favorite pictures but seriously, Dad? What's with the shoes?? Being in those cowboy boots long enough to walk me down the aisle was about his limit! ;)